Today we celebrated Uncle Jon (December 19) and Aunt Jenn's (December 15) birthdays! Great-Grammy Mary made homemade spaghetti for dinner. But everyone's favorite part was the milkshakes. Grammy has an old-fashioned milkshake maker so they were extra special. Aunt Jenn helped her.
And boy were they delicious! She even had special glasses for Noah and Jack.
Uncle Jon and Aunt Jenn are 35 years old. I don't think getting older is especially desirable for Uncle Jon.
But Aunt Jenn doesn't look a day over 21. 35 sure does suit her fine!
Miss Mia spent most of the party napping with anyone who would hold her.
Soon it was time for cake. It was Uncle Jon's turn to hold Mia during the singing.
Time to blow out the candles! I don't think Mia liked the singing or candle blowing too much.
Then we lit the candles once more so the boys could blow them out, too. That's the best part, you know.
Soon it was time to go home. Awwww! Happy birthday, Uncle Jon and Aunt Jenn! Mia sure had fun at your party. We love you!
A happy celebration. You sure have been a birthday partyin' fool in your young age, Miss Mia! And I repeat, I want a milkshake!