Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ultrasound #3: Peanut's Progress

We had our third ultrasound today. Jeff was unable to get off of work but my Mom and Dad (AKA Mimi and Pop-Pop) joined me instead. It was their first ultrasound so they were very excited to see their grand-daughter in all her glory. And boy, did she put on a show for us today!

Here's your traditional ultrasound profile. We were also able to see right away that Peanut is still a girl (now I have more witnesses). She was extremely active today but she stayed still long enough for the tech and doctor to get a good look at all her organs and such. The tech discovered right away that Peanut is hanging out feet first. But she told me not to worry since she will most likely turn around later. Whew!

At one point, the tech said to me, "Are you feeling her move a lot?" and I said, "Well, yes, she is a bit more active than my son was at this stage," to which she responded, "You are in big trouble." I guess that means that the next few months are going to involve a lot of kicking, shoving, punching, jabbing and more from my little darling. And she will most likely be a mover when she is born. Sigh.
The tech loves getting this shot for expectant mothers. You have to have a bit of fun when all you do all day long is scan pregnant bellies. For those of you who can't tell, this is Peanut's hand in a fist. Cute, right? I love it, too.
And finally, here is a 4-D image of Peanut. I know last time the 4-D image was a bit gruesome but this time, Peanut has more soft tissue so she looks more like a real baby and not a creature from beyond the grave. Mimi thinks she looks like Big Brother Noah. I think so, too. Amazing!

So the bottom line is the doctor says Peanut is growing very well, is exactly where she should be for a baby at 23-weeks gestation and everything else seems to be just fine. So since I am classified as an "elderly pregnancy" and I am considered high risk because I am over the age of 35, the doctor wants to see me again next month. So we will get a fourth peek at Peanut on August 31. Mimi has already requested to come back with me. Can you tell she loved it? Pop-Pop was also amazed at what you can see in the ultrasound; he especially loved the 4-D images. Technology sure has come a long way since they had kids, huh?

1 comment:

  1. You are lucky to be considered AMA - if only for all of the ultrasounds you get to have!! So glad things are going along well and that you are feeling more yourself.
