Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gooooo, Steelers!

Today the Denver Broncos played the Pittsburgh Steelers in the playoffs. The Livingstons are Steelers fans since Mimi is from Pittsburgh (and Pop-Pop became a fan when he lived there after he married Mimi) and the Lubeleys/Makis are Broncos fans since they are from Denver. 

Since we all knew that neither team would make it to the Super Bowl, our friends Ian and Danielle had a party at their house. It was kinda like our own unofficial Super Bowl. Pop-Pop loaned Mia his Terrible Towel for a photo with our friend Janet. He figured it covered up her Broncos jersey quite well. Hee, hee!
I thought you might like to see the paparazzi at work that day. Now they've switched to using the cameras on their phones! Unbelievable! Better keep your eyes on those guys, Mia. They are certainly crafty.

Of course the Broncos won so Pop-Pop and Mimi had to go home empty handed. Oh, well, there's always next year.

Thanks, Ian and Danielle, for the pre-Super Bowl fun! We'll be back for the Big Game...

1 comment:

  1. Very cute, I am sure it was a FUN party with a lot of playful jabs thrown around. :)
